Friday, February 26, 2010


Okay so I am still only doing monthly posts. It's so hard to make time to get on here and blog. Most of you probably keep up with us on Facebook, which is where I update pics most often.

Anyway my baby girl is 8 months old now, can you believe it?? Time just seems to fly by faster every single day. We have been staying extra busy this month! Abby experienced her first MAJOR snow! We got over 4 or 5 inches in MISSISSIPPI! Crazy! Abby was not too fond of it. We only went out long enough to get a few pictures. I was afraid she would get sick because she had JUST gotten over RSV.

Abby also had her very first Valentine's day! We got her a few little things, as did her Nana (Bo's mom), her Pawpaw (my dad), and Aunt Jenn & baby Emily. :) She truly knew that she was loved! She got lots of balloons too, which she LOVED!

We also had baby dedication at church this month. It was this past week at Pinelake. She did AMAZING! I am just so proud of her!! My baby girl is such a happy girl! She usually only fusses when she is really tired and sleepy. She fights that sleep pretty bad too.

Some other BIG accomplishments where teething and crawling! Yes, we've finally done both! She got her first tooth this past week and boy is it sharp!! I can't imagine how bad that must hurt her. She also started "really" crawling this past week. She's been scooting around the house by rolling, sliding, half crawling, etc. This past Friday I brought her up to my work to see everyone and she just started crawling when my boss was playing with her! I was so excited and sad at the same time. One of her many firsts has now come and gone. Just another sign that she is getting to be such a big girl!

Abby is still on an AMAZING schedule. She sleeps through the night pretty much all the time. If she wakes up she puts her own paci back in her mouth and goes back to sleep. Mommy and Daddy rarely have to go in there anymore. She has started to somewhat pull-up on her crib, so we have lowered it. She hasn't made it to a standing position yet, but she will pull-up to her knees. She is still on baby-food and formula. We will probably be moving up to the 3rd foods any day now, as well as some baby snacks. We hope to be on whole milk by the first of April, which will be SO GREAT! We go to the doc at the end of March to check this.

She babbles a lot these days. Seems like she does it more and more each day. It sounds like she says "mama" when she cries and gets upset, but I don't think she realizes what she is saying. I like to think she does though. :) She also says "da da" when she plays, but again, she is just babbling.

Bo and I are doing GREAT now! Bo had the flu and strep throat last week, which was VERY difficult. He was so sick - I felt bad. But so far Abby and I have stayed well. I was very paranoid about us getting sick so I sanitized EVERYTHING!! He is doing well with school. A little over half way done.

We are all ready for spring and warmer weather. I am anxious to get outside with my baby girl and PLAY! I can't wait to get a jogging stroller and get some exercise outside.

Here are just a few pics from the last few weeks. . . .

My baby girl on Valentine's morning:
Major Mississippi Snow:

Abby LOVES to play:

Been holding her bottle like a big girl:
Picture I used for Baby Dedication:
Sweater and hat where made for me when I was little by my aunt:

1 comment:

black betty said...

the last pic is my fav!!! she is precious. loving those cheeks!!! :) xoxo